Welcome to my world.

Thank you for choosing my blog. With this blog I would like to make your path to success easier and give you practical and helpful tools for your individual process and show you everything step by step from my book. I'll take you on my journey of how these 10 yoga poses have helped me in my personal and professional growth.
This blog will be your personal journal, so I invite you to write down all your thoughts and be active.
First of all: I am neither a writer nor a marketing expert. The road to the publication of my book and yoga studio was very long and associated with ups and downs. A perfect mirror of our lives, because they show us we are alive what
is beautiful. In the word beautiful is the word miracle: You are a miracle.

We'll see each other next week and first tell you about my career and then I'll continue with theory, philosophy and practice. Do not miss.
Namaste yours