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My career

Autorenbild: Morena NicoliMorena Nicoli

Aktualisiert: 21. Juni 2023

I hadn't listed my diplomas, certificates and further training until today, I wanted to score points with my personality :-). Now, after 5 years in the studio in Schöftland, I am listing all the certificates and diplomas. Here now for the time being from my book: "My career."

Have fun reading.

My name is Morena Nicoli, I'm 35 years old and I'm telling you my story to show you that everything in life is possible. I played football until I was 18 and was interested in everything other than yoga and health! The only thing that has remained the same to this day: exercise in nature is much nicer than in a closed room. Nature is an indescribable source of energy and the 4 seasons reflect the changes in our own needs in the most beautiful way. When the cold season approaches and the days get shorter, our body calls for rest and sleep. Withdrawing, relaxing and wrapping yourself up comfortably is absolutely fine in this phase. This reflects the art of letting go and that has to be learned. Not losing sight of your own goals and desires and listening to the needs of your body is the most important basis for success. When my body needs sleep, then I sleep and when I feel like eating something sweet, I now understand my body's signals and give what it needs.

Even then I was unconsciously practicing and living the eight limbs of yoga, but I only understood this during my yoga training. The eightfold path of yoga has had such a positive influence on my approach and behavior that I was able to find my own way with self-reflection and self-confidence and go it successfully. My puzzle of life was completed with this knowledge. With my training as a hypnotherapist, playgroup leader and in depth psychology according to Walter Odermatt, I have expanded my knowledge, but I did not yet feel ready to work as a therapist.

After playing soccer, I started taking various dance classes and quickly noticed that I was not flexible. I often had migraines, neck tension and various aching spots in my body. Working in the office also worsened my eyesight and I became a wearer of glasses. In search of improvement, my family doctor discovered a severe scoliosis and sent me to physiotherapy.

Suffering is a limb of yoga, because it is well known that pain is the guardian of health. Through pain and suffering I have increasingly listened to my body and understood the message about the necessary change. I was convinced that I could lead a pain-free life. The doctor's prescription for physical therapy brought me to a wonderful woman named Romy. I was immediately excited! She was anything but a typical physical therapist. Her charisma and knowledge was enormous. In therapy she showed me various Pilates exercises and later I attended her classes up to five times a week for five years. Romy is now one of my two best friends.

Romy loved yoga and showed me various stretching exercises to improve my immobility and after only three months I was already able to do the women's splits. And who would have thought that a grown woman with extreme foreshortening could practice and perform a split? In this book I'll show you how to do it. The newly gained flexibility enabled me to be more successful in dancing. The second goal was the desired six-pack. I was also able to build this up with the exercises shown and proudly present it after a few months. However, it's not about flexibility or the six-pack, it's about finding a way to work towards your goal in a disciplined manner and not give up. No matter what you want to achieve in your life, you must first learn to believe in yourself and then follow your task with confidence and self-discipline. Life always has ups and downs

Keep it ready for you so that you can learn and grow from it, remember change only comes with the courage to change.


Changes only come through

Courage to change.

Morena Nicoli


When I started Pilates and physiotherapy, I broke up with my boyfriend at the time. It was a relationship marked by jealousy and possessiveness, combined with a lot of suffering and that did not suit the woman who believes in true, fulfilling and happy love. This phase of my life brought me to the philosophy seminar called "Complexes in the partnership.". The philosophical content is based on the basic knowledge of Walter Odermatt and describes depth psychology as the study of the soul and the love of wisdom. This seminar answered many open questions about my emotional chaos and I acquired the compact knowledge in a short time, deepened my knowledge in the hypnotherapy training and also worked in a playgroup for children. During this time I kept dancing, discovered my interest in pole dancing and flew to New York to watch from the best

to learn. The wrong training led me to suffer from lumbago at the age of 27 and I had to give up dancing completely. I cried for days, but now it was time to let go and find new ways. One thing you can believe me, I find it very difficult to let go of something. Often we only understand afterwards why something happened in life and was necessary. There is a nice saying: Life is always understood backwards.

The universe knows exactly when you can evolve. Because if you get what you want, it's not always the life plan (archetype), but then the ego comes first. After the mourning phase was over, I took responsibility for my future and started training regularly with my friend Natalie again. I already knew the feeling of being physically fit and healthy and worked with her to rebalance my muscles, improve my posture and reduce my pain. She was the person who kept reminding me that I would be a good Pilates teacher, but for a long time I didn't dare to take the next step. At first I thought she was crazy, but after several arguments and a little more pressure I finally signed up. First I completed the group fitness training and there the absolute Pilates goddess stood in front of me, the instructor of the training was pure inspiration. She was a successful trainer, lecturer and author, she was very good looking and I just thought to myself, wow, I want to be like that. Everything fitted together inside and out. She looked good

, was very well dressed, discreet and beautiful make-up, athletic figure, has an enormous amount of knowledge and on top of all that she was very personable and humorous. At the end of the training, she sought a conversation and said that something big could become of me and that she had a déjà vu experience with me. This was my greatest compliment and gave me so much energy - the secret and magic of inspiration. I was inspired and knew this was the right path but the process will be a lot of work and the road will be long but I didn't care. No pain, no gain! What do they all have in common? Everyone was diligent, practiced and never gave up.

Inspiring each other opens a lot more possibilities than getting stuck in jealousy. I often see that jealousy is actually a dark side or even an inner complex. The question you should then ask yourself is, is it a positive trait that I should develop or is it something negative that I need to process? These thoughts and all related analyzes are part of your personality development. Imagine you have great potential but never realize it and then your calling is lost. You ask yourself every day why you only have one job and don't feel called to anything. So the next time you see an exciting person, let yourself be inspired, because maybe they hold the key to your happiness. Of course, I hope that my experience will inspire you and that you will find your way to your own happiness with this book.

Another little insight back to the training. After the group fitness training, the Pilates Mat Basic and other advanced training courses were added, such as Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, etc. Shortly thereafter, I received the first requests for substitute lessons and was soon teaching the first fixed course lessons. Finally I was an active Pilates trainer and from week to week I increased my awareness and in a studio I became aware of the yoga training. As already mentioned, I was already practicing a lot of yoga on a private level and now it was a matter of course for me to underline my own knowledge with a well-founded training. I had gained so much clarity during the training and I had many aha moments. Today I am a full time yoga teacher and trainer and my clients have been the inspiration for this book. They asked again and again for more and more detailed information about the individual yoga exercises and their functions. How they benefit from them and what they can incorporate into their own lives.

Yoga is there to give you a good feeling and inner stability and in my book I explain step by step how this works. For each exercise or Sanskrit Asana, there are simplified preliminary exercises. The easier the asana is performed, the better your energy will flow in your body, your head will clear and the easier it will be to harmonize body, body, soul and spirit.

Training and further education Morena at home and abroad:

- Depth Psychology Certificate

- Certified hypnotherapist

- Qualified health masseuse

- Group fitness training

- Certified yoga teacher

- Dipl. Pilates teacher Mat (including all training with small equipment)

- Dipl. Pilates equipment teacher (Chair, Reformer, Cadillac, Barrel)

- Further training stretching

- Continuing education Aerial Yoga

- Further training in pregnancy gymnastics and recovery

- Further training in fascia, back, mobilization

- Acroyoga Training

- Continuing education inversion

Furthermore, I still attend training seminars in the field of depth psychology.

That's it, in the next blog I'll tell you exactly what yoga means and is...







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