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AutorenbildMorena Nicoli

Pranayama - breathing

Pranayama is the fourth limb of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and describes the bringing together of body and mind through exercises.

“Prana” is a term for life energy. "Ayama" can be translated as "to control" or as "extended". Breathing, or controlling the breath, is what I think is the most important thing. Breathing helps in every way and is essential for survival. When I was almost 18, I had a nose job because I couldn't breathe properly. My right nostril was completely blocked, I had constant infections and often had to take antibiotics. I didn't want to accept that anymore and then had the vaginal walls corrected in order to be able to breathe better. And with the possibility of correct breathing, my process of personality development also began. Breathing helps me to deepen the exercises and allows me to hold them longer. Breathing is an essential part of concentration and therefore also the basis of meditation. With the exhalation I really learned to let go. Proper breathing helped me focus and center, and through breathing I learned to focus on the essentials. Breathing was my guide. How come? Because the tension of the libido was trained through breathing (libido is psychological

energy). Where there is no tension, there is no energy. Through the breathing exercises I have learned to control myself and to shift the energy correctly.

So for the energy you need voltage. This tension is built up through breathing. Why through breathing? Most think of eating or drinking when charging energy, not breathing. Unfortunately, overeating leads to obesity and therefore to strong and energetic people. Humans can survive for up to three weeks without food, but about three minutes without breathing. Man does not have to generate energy, but absorb it. And where do we get these from? Mostly from the air. You probably know the phrase "Get out into the fresh air to clear your head". Just think of the force of the wind or the tension in the air that we experience during thunderstorms, not to mention the phenomenon of air pressure, which weighs about two tons on human skin, one kilogram for every square centimeter! Let's look at the process of breathing in a simplified form. Air is inhaled, and oxygen is extracted from the

breathed air absorbed into the blood. Carbon dioxide is released from the blood into the air in the lungs and the used air is exhaled.

The transport of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide is more important than the transport of nutrients. Without oxygen, people not only quickly lose consciousness, but also quickly lose their lives. You can also say: "More oxygen is more life, less oxygen is less life." If a cell suffers from a lack of oxygen, it can die without oxygen. Energy can only be generated without oxygen for a short time.


Put real plants in the apartment so that the air is richer in oxygen. Air your home regularly and go for daily walks.


People who breathe better and know the laws of breathing are much better able to concentrate and adapt to their environment. You can adapt your breathing rhythm to the air conditions. Poor breathing requires a faster rhythm of breathing, but energy is lost in the process and the body feels stressed and is in survival mode. Breathing through the two nostrils also follows a rhythm. Notice which nostril you breathe through. You will find that at times you breathe especially through the right nostril, at other times through the left, and at times through both nostrils. If we breathe consciously and direct the energy with our imagination, then we can

Sucking in energy from the cosmos. In the end, it's not the yoga exercises that strengthen you, but proper breathing. The exercise directs the energy absorbed. There are many different breathing exercises and techniques that can even make you dizzy at first. But if you breathe deeply and properly, you will feel small changes in your body, like the tingling in your lips and the resulting warmth in your body. The increase in blood circulation strengthens your organism and increases your energy level. Inhaling and exhaling have various properties which I will explain to you here:















Nasal breathing or mouth breathing?

Thanks to nasal breathing, the air reaches the lungs warmed up, cleaned and moistened. This is not the case with mouth breathing. As a rule, we only breathe through our mouths when we are not getting enough oxygen through our noses. Personally, I consciously breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth firmly and loudly when I want to let something go.



The basis is correct breathing, so I recommend doing this exercise for 3-5 minutes a day. Sit comfortably and upright, or cross-legged. Imagine your neck is stretched, roll your shoulders back and stand up. Breathe in and out deeply and try to let your thoughts rest. Just focus on your breathing. If you have trouble doing this, count to four as you exhale and inhale. Over time, your breaths will become longer. I recommend that you breathe in and out through your nose, but in the end it has to be right for you.





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