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Yoga Fusion is love

Autorenbild: Morena NicoliMorena Nicoli

Aktualisiert: 21. Juni 2023

A few new classes are called Yogalates, a mix of yoga and pilates Here's a little history of why.

My first group fitness training was in 2015, followed by the Pilates Mat Basic and other advanced training courses, such as Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, etc. Shortly thereafter, I received the first requests for substitute lessons and was soon teaching the first fixed course lessons. Finally I was an active Pilates trainer and from week to week my level of awareness increased and in a studio I became aware of the yoga training. Yoga

I was already practicing a lot on a private level back then and now it was for me

It goes without saying that you underline your own knowledge with well-founded training. I had gained so much clarity during the training and I had many aha moments. Today I'm a full-time yoga teacher and trainer, but I've never been your typical yoga teacher...

I then started teaching yoga in the foreground, but I always mixed it with the Pilates method.

Because like Pilates, there is a simplified

Preliminary exercises. My first book was created using this method. The easier the asana is performed, the better the energy flows in the body, the head clears and the easier it is to harmonize body, organism, soul and spirit.

You read that right, there are 4 layers and not 3. You can also find the 4 elements and layers in the first 4 chakras. More blogs will follow :)

Yogalates fusion class that combines elements of yoga and Pilates to create a holistic body-mind workout.

This class places special emphasis on strengthening the core, increasing flexibility and improving posture.

Yogalates can help tone the muscles of the entire body while calming the mind. The combination of yoga poses and Pilates exercises allows for a varied practice that is both meditaIve and

includes dynamic elements.

Yin Yoga isn't typically Yin for me either, so it's now called: Yin Yoga & Meditation. Here too, it is important to me that we bring all 4 layers into harmony.

The next Fusion class will be Aerial Yoga. Stay tuned when I launch it...



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